New Super Mario Bros. U (Sniper)
Genre: 2d platformer
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo

The flat and rather boring presentation from this title's Wii-based predecessor is back, but somehow doesn't feel as dull this time around. Lots of credit is probably due to the game's sublime resolution-- the full 1920x1080 monty by the looks of things-- while some of it probably boils down to the greater levels of imagination the game's designers put into the worlds and stages.

Sure, the Koji Kondo remixes are back. Haters will hate. But, that sensation of "I've heard this song in three of the past four levels" is gone via a combination of this game having more selections than its predecessor, and better song choices for the stages as well. Importantly, the songs that did stand out from the aforementioned Wii game-- specifically, the haunted mansion and castle tunes-- have been preserved; why throw the baby out with the bathwater?

The best part about using the comfortable gamepad for play this time around is that one doesn't need to use the uncomfortable Wiimotes-- unless one is playing multiplayer that is, in which case an extra person drops blocks onto the stage via the gamepad, while everyone else uses Wiimotes. But whether playing alone or with others, the stage designs are some of the best since Super Mario World.

In every way-- visual aesthetics, soundtrack, level design-- this is the best 2d Mario title in eons, and is the perfect title for Nintendo to be shipping out the door with their fledgling new HD console. The Miiverse integration, whereby players can read and post messages on the world map Demon's Souls-style, is especially genius and hopefully will give other Wii U game designers some inspiration on how to incorporate Nintendo's social network platform into future titles.

Sniper's verdict: